Jeff Parkinson

Director / General Manager (NZ)
Jeff is a Chartered Professional Fire Engineer (NZ) with over 22 years experience in the fire sector. Although he initially trained in the UK as a Building Surveyor, Jeff elected to pursue public safety roles in the UK and the NZ Fire Service. At Crossfire, Jeff is the General Manager and Project Director delivering fire engineering and fire services design using both the Acceptable Solutions (C/ASx) and Verification Method (C/VM2) for our clients.
Jeff has a Masters degree in Fire Engineering from the University of Canterbury and is an experienced user of fire and smoke modelling computer packages such as B-RISK, FDS, Pyrosim, Pathfinder and Firewind as well as using spreadsheet and hand calculations to create and verify designs.
His track record working for the UK Fire Service and the NZ Fire Service Fire Engineering Unit aligns strongly with the Crossfire’s delivery of practical, workable solutions for clients. Jeff has given design review advice to Building Consent Authorities since 2009.
He is a Chartered Member of Engineering New Zealand (CMEngNZ), a Professional Member and Executive Committee member of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE - NZ Chapter), an assessed Member of the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) and the Engineering Council (UK). Jeff has over 12 years’ experience as an operational UK firefighter and officer and has training qualifications as a Compartment Fire Behaviour Instructor.
Contact Jeff:
Phone: 021 320 207
Linked In: Connect with Jeff on Linked In